Monday, January 4, 2010

Technorati Test


Breckenridge Marijuana Dispensaries

Breckenridge marijuana users are protected by Colorado Amendment 20, which permits individuals with certain chronic and disabling conditions and/or symptoms to legally obtain and use limited quantities of medical marijuana. Breckenridge is located in Summit County, which, despite its small population, is home to 101 registered medical marijuana patients, or about 1% of the Colorado state total. Breckenridge medical marijuana patients must obtain a doctor's recommendation and apply to become licensed medical marijuana patients in order to buy and use marijuana legally.

Who Can Use Medical Marijuana in Breckenridge?

Breckenridge medical marijuana patients must adhere to the same restrictions as patients throughout Colorado. Only patients with certain conditions and/or symptoms may apply. Qualifying primary conditions include cancer, glaucoma, and HIV/AIDS. Patients who experience severe nausea, chronis pain, cachexia, muscle spasticity, seizures, or muscle spasms may also apply to the Colorado medical marijuana registry. These symptoms qualify whether they're caused by a primary condition or even by treatment for a patient's medical condition.

If a condition or symptom is not listed and patients with that condition or symptom could benefit from medical marijuana, a petition process exists to add to the approved list. However, since the adoption of Amendment 20, no petitions have been approved.

Medical marijuana users in Breckenridge may not possess more than two ounces of usable medical marijuana at one time. Medical marijuana may not be used in the view of the general public or in a place open to the public. It also may not be used if its use constitutes a health risk to any other person. Patients are likely best protected if they use medical marijuana at home and without any other individuals present.

Looking for a Breckenridge Marijuana DispensaryDenver Marijuana Information